

青山潤 著 講談社。 アフリカに調査旅行に出かける東大の先生と助手の物語。抱腹絶倒。アフリカの風土や文化も伝えており、研究者たるものの生活も活写している。子どもたちも必読。

Swimming Pool Closes

Seahorse swimming pool is finishing the business. Met Mr. Arai and heard that he is going to work in Saginomiya Gym.


100 Words Kids Needs To Know By 4th Grade 丁度良いレベル。再学習の必要あり。 繰り返しの学習が可能で、よく出来たドリル。

Kirin Cup

M moved to the hotel of Kirin Cup. I returned to Tokyo.

To Osaka

Holiday. Moved to Osaka by the bullet train with M. BBQ outside with all the family members, which adds up to 10!! Took so long to take turns and take a bath.

All Kanto Junior High School Tournament

M went to Shiba Highschool for All Kanto Junior High School Shogi Tournament. Though they won the first prize for the past 2 years, they lost this time. They were the third.



TV Show

Tsuruno Takeshi, Segawa Shoji and Shimaken visited the school to film a TV show. M played shogi with Tsuruno. In the early evenig, I went to Sopha for ASF preparation meeting. H got an e-mail from teacher at 10 PM to write a report on Satu…

Tuning the piano

The tuner came again to take care of the piano. Though he decided to bring the old piano to our house from M's house, he now strongly suggests to buy and second hand piano, as ours are so difficult to keep in a good condition. It is diffic…