
Last Lesson in A

Went to A for two classes in 6th grade. Shopping game like black jack was so exciting that kids could not stop at the end of the lesson.Grilled fish for dinner.The piano had to be tuned. The tuner came at 1 PM and could not finish tuning t…

Academy Award

No Japanese was selected on the Academy Award, though one make up artist, one actress and a movie on Iojima was selected as nominees. Chicken curry for dinner. Went to Koenji on foot for excercise.


Piano lesson. Oden and tuna roll for dinner.


Terribly windy day. Gave up to go by bicicle to Ogikubo, and dicided to go by car. Minced chicken "nabe" for dinner. It was getting more and more difficult to find unexpensive and good fish for dinner these days.

Mr Oyama will retire

Went to school for "Kyoiku Kondankai". Conversation session with Mr. Oyama and Mr. Hikami. Learned how much inportant works Mr. Oyama did. Checked "Segesta" and the road to it for next week lunch of the class and drew map.


Went to Kichijoji. Baught some items in Yuzawaya and other small shops. Found a unique bookmark, which looks like a bird resting in the book when used.

Computers and etc

Went to PTA room to install SP2 of Windows to the personal computer. It took as long as 2 hours. Went to Chofu for subscribtions and arrived only ten minutes before closing time.Kamasu for dinner.

Two 5th grade class lessons in A. Body parts. Though it was raining, I went to A by bicicle. Also went to Uroko Shokay, which is a copy shop in Wakamiya, to prepare some papers to give out tomorrow at School.Spagetti for dinner.Baught new …

A The word Avec

Two 5th grade classes in A. Directions.Went to Escamale on bicicle with M in the afternoon. It was a good day for a bicicle ride.Talking with the family members, I found out that younger generation does't know the word "avec" used in the m…

Tokyo Marathon

The 1st Tokyo Marathon in the rain. Went to piano lesson. ピアノの中で大きな音。弦が切れたようだ。弾いてみたら、音は全部鳴るので、弦が3本の中音〜高音が切れたのだろう。ああ、また調律代。


Went to Olive-kan to meet Mrs. K in the morning. Discussed about the poster on free drum lesson in May. PTA meeting. Discussed details on next year PTA member selection. Decided to by new PC for the PTA room, which means I've got another n…

This year's last lesson in N. Pork jinger for dinner. Pork I baught in OK super market was so delicious that we ate a lot and I went to OK again to get more of them.

Two 6th grade classes in A. Tangram and Direction with a Map.

Valentine's Day

Lesson for 5th grade in A. Rainy. Grilled aji for dinner.

Oden for dinner. Baught necessary items for oden on my way home in Asagaya Perl Center shopping mall.


It was a national holiday today. One of the family menber went out to Shin-Okubo and Shinjuku to play game and walk around with friends. Others stayed home playing games, studing English and so on. Chicken Donburi for dinner. Applied by e-…

Went to the piano lesson in the morning. Soba for lunch. "Aji tataki" for dinner. I went out to have a drink with Yottoko member at night. Spent about two hours at Tsurugi. We saw very old lady having a drink and eating supper with her hus…


午前中、学校で個人面談。その面談相手の先生が夜飲んだ委員長と同級と知る。 まだまだ仕事が残っているが、日程の関係で打ち上げ。新旧会長のほかに「地下鉄の駅で会ったから」とT委員長が連れてきた校長先生と委員会担当のM先生も一緒。M先生は明日が新…

Nで4年生。相変わらず元気すぎ。「入れて」の場面をやる。Who are you?かWho is it?か、細かいところで前回のALTの指導との整合性が必要だ。


A6年2クラスが別内容。「道案内(目隠しした友達を案内する)」と「レストランで注文。」 夕食は太刀魚の塩焼きと、アサリのスパゲッティ。

Aに行くも、手違いで授業ができず、そのまま帰宅。 夕食は鶏ひき肉だんご鍋。


PTAの書類の締め切りと、Aの教材作成の日程が重なり、終日パソコン。 夕食はエスカマーレで先週末に買っておいたスペアリブの蜂蜜煮。






阿佐ヶ谷パールセンターが最近様変わり。SONYの店は改装のため在庫一掃セール中。新しく31アイスクリームができた。その半年ぐらい前には上島コーヒーができた。さらに、ラオックスができた!! 今日は急にプリンタのインクがなくなり、急遽阿佐ヶ谷のラオ…


昼、ピアノ。夕刻、Aに英語指導の打ち合わせ。5年生と6年生3時間ずつ。帰りに久しぶりに野方のジュピターに寄り、グミ(Mit Fruchtsaftで育った熊)やプレッツェルを買う。夜カレーライス。


家族がスキー旅行へ、朝5時に起きて5時45分の電車で東京駅へ。 もう一人は深夜まで行われる「A級順位戦一斉対局日解説会」(渡辺竜王と屋敷さん)に行く。深夜1時半終了、2時帰宅。両方の面倒を見る私は22時間起きていたことに・・・。 車をコインパーキング…